All tagged Wellness

Sleep, Glorious Sleep

Just like every other 9-year-old in the world, I hated going to sleep. My brother, Jeremy, is 6 years older so he was allowed to stay up much later than me. When 8:45 rolled around and it was time to put down my book or walk away from the TV to brush my teeth and get ready for bed, I’d trot out my acting skills in an attempt to convince my mother that I was wide awake and should be able to stay up. This never worked.

Week Twelve - Walk This Way

I’m down two more pounds this week and while it’s great to be at 15 total lost, I’ve decided the weekly weigh-ins are a bit too frequent. I want to focus my energy on growing my strength and stamina and measuring my progress through how my clothes fit and how I feel.

I'm No Poser

Instead of continuing the pity party I started yesterday, I woke up this morning with fresh perspective and decided to figure out a way to reinvigorate my exercise routine. I quickly realized this meant I had to do something I’ve been putting off for more than two years—take a class at Yoga Studio 43.