Week Seven - Drop it Like it's Hot — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Week Seven - Drop it Like it's Hot

Week Seven - Drop it Like it's Hot


Damn, I’m getting discouraged. So much so, I’ve been considering dropping this entire deal and burying my head in a bag of movie theater popcorn.

I’ve been consistently working out 5-6 days a week, usually before 5am. I’m not only not losing weight, I’ve actually inched back up to 265, giving me a net 4 pound loss after 7 weeks of hard work.

Food wise, I’ve been counting calories and staying within my allotment every day. I’ve been walking 45 min 2-3 days and doing circuit training the other 2-3. And while I was feeling more energetic, I’m now dragging and struggling to keep my eyes open in the afternoon.

I purchased a new pair of workout shoes today in hopes the investment will compel me to keep plugging away. Or maybe the new spring in my step will make the treadmill seem a little easier. I’m open to any suggestions on how to get passed this slump because it seems pointless to put in all this effort with zero gains.

This week’s workout playlist addition is Snoop Dogg’s Drop it Like it’s Hot because it’s taking every bit of willpower to not drop working out like a bad habit and chalking this up as another weight loss failure.

Are you also having struggles? How about any victories? I’d love to hear something inspirational to kickstart my motivation again. Or, if you have any suggestions please comment below or email me at mollie@midlifepickle.com.

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