All in Musings

I Guess You Can Go Home Again

I grew up in Grant’s Lick, Kentucky on a property my mom lovingly named Rocky Top Farm. I spent my childhood hoeing in the garden, throwing hay bales, collecting eggs from the chicken coop, canning green beans, shoveling cow manure, and picking up rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. My dad taught me to drive on his Case tractor and our 1949 Willy’s Army Jeep.

Little House, Big Lessons

As the quarantine wears on, I’ve been looking for new ways to entertain the boys. As I was cleaning my bookshelf I came across the box set of my favorite books from 4th grade, Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series. I managed to convince my boys to let me read a couple chapters to them every evening before bed rather than watching another lame YouTube video.

Adrenaline Drain

When all this started a month ago, I had a can-do attitude. I was getting things accomplished. I rallied the troops at work while memorizing the CDC website. I lectured my parents and in-laws to get them on board with social distancing.

More Than Fear

Being in the midst of a pandemic is scary. Very scary. I’ve also experienced a lot of other emotions and I bet I’m not alone. We’re all entitled to our feelings, right? Most people aren’t stupid enough to say it aloud, but I am. So here goes nothing…

6 Ways to Feel Safer During a Pandemic

Throughout the day, I’m productive and distracted enough to not let COVID-19 get into my head. But every night, about the time I would have normally gone to bed 4 weeks ago, my mind starts racing and I don’t know how to settle down enough to go to bed. Where I normally feel very safe and secure, lately I’ve been anxious and uncertain.

I ❤️ NY

I’m not really in the mood to write today. My brain is mush and my heart is heavy, but this Facebook post from NYC reminded me of the strength that we all have within us. Keep plowing ahead, friends. We’ll get through this together.