Week Nine - The Heat is On — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Week Nine - The Heat is On

Week Nine - The Heat is On

Even after a wonky week that included a holiday, two trips to Great American Ball Park and three cookouts, I’m still hovering at 263. I suppose I’m okay with this considering I had more than a couple beers and several hot dogs over the course of the last seven days. I’ve managed to maintain a strong workout routine, which at nine weeks is about 7 weeks longer than any past attempt at fitness.

This evening I did something I never imagined I would—an hour long HOT yoga class. In case you aren’t aware, hot means 110 degrees. Yes, the studio is 110 degrees and I stayed in there for an hour while also doing very challenging poses. Amazingly, I hung in there, only missing two poses and maintaining my breathing in the sweltering room. This was just as mentally challenging as physically. Concentrating on balancing and stretching while breathing deeply with sweat literally dripping from my body, was not exactly fun, but I am beyond proud of myself for powering through.

So yeah, I’m still not losing weight. I’m getting stronger and pushing myself physically in ways I never have (even as a kid I failed the Presidential Fitness Test). But, if things don’t improve on the weight loss front, I may need to see my doctor to make sure there are no underlying issues. In the meantime though, I’m adding some Beverly Hills Cop inspired music to my workout playlist and I’m going keep on keeping on.

Stop Being a Pussy

Stop Being a Pussy

