Week Twelve - Walk This Way — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Week Twelve - Walk This Way

Week Twelve - Walk This Way

I’m down two more pounds this week and while it’s great to be at 15 total lost, I’ve decided the weekly weigh-ins are a bit too frequent. I want to focus my energy on growing my strength and stamina and measuring my progress through how my clothes fit and how I feel.

Along with this new approach, I will be revamping to monthly updates instead of weekly. That being said, if you need an accountability partner, or a kind ear that understands this struggle, please do not hesitate to reach out. I’m always available via email at mollie@midlifepickle.com, I can be found at Planet Fitness 3-4 days a week before 7am or Yoga Studio 43 at various classes. I’d love to commensurate about fitness challenges or hear how you’ve found success.

In the meantime, I’m adding one more song to my playlist—Aerosmith’s Walk This Way. I’m hoping this will inspire me to keep my head on straight and walking this way.

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