Week Three - Don't Stop Believing — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Week Three - Don't Stop Believing

Week Three - Don't Stop Believing

I’ve stuck with this for three weeks! Woot, woot!

This week was a tough one, not so much from a motivation perspective, but the scheduling challenges were legit. Three days this week I was at the gym at 5:00am. I was the ONLY person working out at Planet Fitness at 4:00am on Memorial Day Weekend Saturday because I had to squeeze it in before Jason headed to work.

Always looking for excuses to not workout, any other time in my life I would have not gone to the gym those four days. Instead, knowing many of you are checking in for my progress kept me accountable and I got my ass moving. Thank you for keeping me honest.

Not gonna lie though, I still spend the entire drive to the gym coming up with reasons why I should skip and go back to bed. Or swing by the Spare-Time for coffee and a goetta sandwich. Or sit in my car listening to This American Life  pretending I’m working out.

As for food, I’ve done really well.  I stayed within my caloric goal every day and I’m drinking water and avoiding all but the occasional cup of coffee. I’m feeling better, my bloating is completely gone and my jeans are looser.

Oh and did I mention I finally stepped on the scale? 261. That’s right, I’m down 8 pounds! So calories in versus calories out is the “trick” after all. I am doing this!

The theme of this week, and the song I added to my workout playlist, is Don’t Stop Believing. What midlife person wouldn’t love this song as a warm up to any workout? A total unrelated side note, other than Tony Soprano could have stood to lose a few pounds, this song also makes me think of The Sopranos, which I finally broke down and watched a few months ago. Maybe I’ll get around to Game of Thrones in 2029.

That’s week three. As always, we’re in this together so I’d love to hear how your health and wellness is going. Have you recently met any goals? Are you overcoming any challenges? Any workout song suggestions? Comment below or shoot me an email at mollie@midlifepickle.com.

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