New Year, Same Old Me - Top 5 New Year's Re-Resolutions — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

New Year, Same Old Me - Top 5 New Year's Re-Resolutions

New Year, Same Old Me - Top 5 New Year's Re-Resolutions

After about 25 years of promising myself I’d completely transform my life from a gluttonous pig to a svelte goddess overnight, I gave up New Year’s resolutions a couple years ago. I’m clearly a slow learner, but after doing the same thing and expecting different results for a quarter of a century, I finally came to the realization that change doesn’t happen overnight.

Instead of buying into the “new year, new me” hype of making promises to myself I’ll never keep, I’ve spent some time reflecting on things I did well in 2019 and will continue to focus on improving in 2020.

  1. Family Time - For the last three months I’ve focused on putting down the phone and avoiding other distractions when spending time with my family. Multitasking is a lie we tell ourselves because of our fears about missing out and our insecurities about not doing enough. I’m 100% certain an email or Facebook notification isn’t nearly as important, interesting or fulfilling as uninterrupted time teaching Ollie and Harry to play blackjack.

  2. Social Media - Over the course of 2019, I took stock of my social media usage. It has become more and more apparent that the ROI isn’t worth the time spent. LinkedIn reminds me of my career missteps, Instagram inspires feelings of inadequacy, Facebook reveals the worst in people I’d prefer to think the best of, Twitter suggests that the entire world is on fire and Snapchat filters are creepy. I’ve remained active and check my notifications daily, but I all but stopped scrolling through the newsfeeds and reduced my screen time dramatically. Once I realized social can’t possibly bring me the same level of fulfillment as soaking in Ollie and Harry it’s been easy to disconnect.

  3. Health and Wellbeing - While this has been an ongoing struggle for years, I’m focusing on keeping my mental and physical health in check. This means keeping a fairly consistent sleep schedule and daily routine, maintaining friendships, moving more and being conscious of what I put in my body. All of this is still a work in progress, but it’s at the forefront of my thinking.

  4. Kindness - I’m by no means perfect, but I strive to do good and be kind. I’m constantly reminding myself that we all have challenges and often they are invisible to those around us. Practicing patience with the lady who cut me off in traffic, assuming the older man didn’t mean to be disrespectful when calling me honey and smiling at strangers I pass on the street spreads a little light. The added bonus— the grace I give is returned tenfold.

  5. Forgiveness - While I easily give forgiveness to those who have wronged me, I struggle to do the same for myself. 2019 has been about letting go of past mistakes and moving forward with the knowledge of how to do better. I’ve strived to have an internal dialogue that mirrors how I would speak to any other loved one and I’m getting better.

I hope my New Year’s re-resolutions are helpful. I challenge you to consider what things you’re doing right and celebrate those wins.

Here’s to a blessed 2020!

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