Masked Krogering — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Masked Krogering

Masked Krogering

I went to Kroger this morning for the first time in four weeks. The grocery store used to be my happy place—used to.

Today, there was anxiety hanging in the air and my usual leisurely stroll up and down the aisles shifted into a sprint to grab what I needed without coming close to people. And I did all of this with a mask around my face and disinfecting wipe in my hand. The weirdest part is half the people seemed unaffected and the other half seemed panicked, which I kinda understand.

I vacillate between thinking we’re all overreacting and that we’re grossly under-reacting. I’m scared that we’re so nonchalantly giving up our freedoms, yet It seems necessary because so many people refuse to put their WANTS aside to accommodate the NEEDS of so many others. And people are definitely dying and suffering. But people die from many other things every day too.

I guess what makes this so different is that there are so many unknowns. Or maybe because it causes a horrific death in isolation. Or maybe because the only way to fight this is for us to isolate with our immediate families.

But how does this end? Will it come to a screeching halt or wind down slowly? How do we go back to a more “normal” way of life? Will the medical supply shortages ever end? How will our lives look different as we move forward? Will we continue to show the people who are still working the respect they deserve? Will I ever be able to buy Lysol spray again?

I sure don’t have any answers and I’m almost certain nobody else does either.

Grazie, Andrea Bocelli, Grazie

Grazie, Andrea Bocelli, Grazie

Siblings Day

Siblings Day