End of 2019 To-Do List — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

End of 2019 To-Do List

End of 2019 To-Do List

Now that it’s December, many of the people I follow on LinkedIn and Twitter are talking about 2020 goals. It’s December 2nd! I get that we’re only talking about 1/12 of the entire year, but the way I see it we still have a little bit of productivity to squeeze out of 2019. Sure, there is value in planning and setting expectations, but it’s too easy to get caught up in thinking ahead. If you’re always looking off into the distance, you’ll never notice what’s right in front of your face.

So in the spirit of making the most of December, I present to you the last five items on my 2019 to-do list.

  1. Watch Christmas Vacation, Home Alone and A Charlie Brown Christmas while cuddling on the couch and sipping a hot toddy.

  2. Bake some cookies, fudge and chocolate snuffles (bourbon drenched chocolate truffles) with Harry and my mom.

  3. Cruise the Cincinnati Zoo Festival of Lights with my boys while warming my hands on a spiked hot chocolate.

  4. Have Jason chauffeur us around Northern Kentucky on a Christmas light expedition while enjoying some extra warm mulled cider.

  5. Steal a chug of Uncle Kenny’s special egg nog while watching him cook our annual Christmas prime rib.

You probably noticed that not one of these items has a single thing to do with SWOT analysis, SMART goals, BHAGs or KPI’s. And all of them include some extra Christmas cheer to enhance the joy of the season.

Sure, goals are important, but I prefer to enjoy the moment of this holiday season. Before I know it my boys will be too old to enjoy these traditions and my liver will be too tired to keep up this pace.

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