On this last day of 76th day of March I’d like to look back on how drastically our lives have changed since February 29th.
All tagged Coronavirus
On this last day of 76th day of March I’d like to look back on how drastically our lives have changed since February 29th.
I just spent an hour calming the nerves of my 11-year-old. He’s been brave for the first 10 days of this social distancing situation, but today was his breaking point. I thought today may be mine, but I had to hold it together to help my little guy out. I can pencil in my own ugly cry tomorrow between 10:30 and 11:00pm.
Since I started Midlife Pickle, I’ve thought about the concept of balance a lot. Balancing work and family, wants and needs, spending and saving, remembering the old but embracing the new. Something that I’ve started to realize is every situation has a mix of good and bad. Sure, the scales are not always equal, but I’ve yet to think of a situation, no matter how dire, that didn’t result in something positive.
Social distancing is challenging for an uber-extrovert like me. I’ve organized a company wide virtual happy hour, a family FaceTime chat with about 10+ people, 5th grade conference calls, and I had 52 separate text message strings yesterday alone. While I enjoy being home reading a book or watching a movie, I generally recharge and am ready to be out in the world quickly. This new normal of spending day after day after day home has been quite an adjustment.
I live in Kentucky. Politics here is questionable at best. I won’t give my commentary other than to say I am loving Governor Andy Beshear and I’m not alone.
This is probably the most trying week I’ve ever experienced. I’d say that’s true for many of us. However, due to a few chance things that fell into place for me over the last few months, I’m significantly less stressed than I could be.
What good will come of this you ask? Lots, that’s what. Part of being a half-glass-full kind of girl is I see the positive in everything. Sometimes the upside is obvious and other times we have to dig a little deeper. Even when I consider some of the worst things that I’ve been through, I always managed to grow or learn from the experience, even if it took several years for that to be revealed.
I worked from home today. I won’t belabor the details of working from home with two boys doing schoolwork. Suffice it to say we all survived and will live to fight another day. I recognize how blessed I am to have a job where I can continue to work and earn money while making sure my boys are safe.
Earlier I spent an hour tucking my boys into bed. Both of them are struggling with the current situation. They’re struggling in different ways, but struggling nonetheless. Up to this point, they’ve both been pretty strong, but until today things have been pretty normal. But today was the first homeschool day.
I can’t think about COVID-19 any more today.
The sun came out today! And even though I had a video to finish editing this morning and three parties this afternoon and evening, I prioritized squeezing in a pedicure. I assumed the place would be packed, but when I got there and asked if they could take a walk-in the place was a ghost town.