What Good? — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

What Good?

What Good?

What good will come of this you ask? Lots, that’s what. Part of being a half-glass-full kind of girl is I see the positive in everything. Sometimes the upside is obvious and other times we have to dig a little deeper. Even when I consider some of the worst things that I’ve been through, I always managed to grow or learn from the experience, even if it took several years for that to be revealed.

Lots of people have been talking about how this pandemic is forcing us to slow down, take stock in what matters, and take care of each other. Sure, Captain Obvious, thanks for pointing that out. Of course I agree with those points, even five days into being in the same small house with my darling boys, but I want to dig deeper. What other positive things will be the result of COVID-19?

  1. Work From Home - As nearly all employees who are capable of working from home are, employers will see just how productive people can be with flexible arrangements. I’m super social, so I love going into the office, but a 20 second commute that consists of walking down the basement stairs is pretty desirable.

  2. Appreciating Hourly Workers - The importance of people who are grocery workers, truck drivers, sanitation workers, etc has become more apparent than ever. As the people who do office work are sent home, because for the most part their jobs are not critical, the hourly workers who are providing real service continue to serve and with subpar compensation and benefits.

  3. Schools Will Evolve- It’s become glaringly apparent that schools are so much more than learning. In fact, with technology allowing for unprecedented access to information it seems schools have evolved into more of a social services delivery system. I’m amazed at how the teachers were able to adapt their lessons and solve the problems of feeding their students in short order. I hope the glaring needs of children that have been exposed through this crisis will be addressed in the aftermath.

See, there is a lot of great that can come out of a crisis. This is by no means an exhaustive list, so please share your thoughts on what good will come out of this crisis.



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