We Got a Friend in Andy — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

We Got a Friend in Andy

We Got a Friend in Andy

I live in Kentucky. Politics here are questionable at best. I won’t give my commentary other than to say I am loving Governor Andy Beshear and I’m not alone. His confident and measured leadership calms me every day during his 5:00 press conference and thousands of people in Kentucky and beyond agree. There is a Facebook group called “andy beshear memes for social distancing teens” that has 29,000 members and growing. The Louisville Courier Journal, USNews, HuffPost, and Salon.com are just a few of the news outlets who are singing Beshear’s praises. And I’m 100% on board.

The reaction to Beshear and his proactive approach to combating COVID-19 reinforces how invaluable a great leader can be. He empathetic towards the victims, confident which calms the unnerved, firm with those who are not taking the risk seriously, and even uses humor to break the tension. This is a stark contrast to most political leaders in Kentuckian’s recent memory. I’m thankful Andy Beshear is my governor during this crisis.

So in honor of the Commonwealth’s 63rd governor, please enjoy this memes.

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8 Memories for 8 Days of Social Distancing

8 Memories for 8 Days of Social Distancing

