Week Two - Eye of the Tiger — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Week Two - Eye of the Tiger

Week Two - Eye of the Tiger

Just as I had anticipated, week two proved to be more challenging than week one. This is exactly how things have gone time and time again when I’ve tried to clean up my eating and exercise habits. Week one has the excitement of a new beginning and the appeal of a fresh commitment. By week two, the newness wears off and the real challenge begins. Inevitably, life flairs up and presents potential excuses to avoid working out and planning proper meals.

This last week was no exception to that rule, but I managed to buck my usual reaction. Even though I was busy with work and Harry came down with strep throat, I refused to make excuses. I got up super early and went to the gym and was back home before Jason had to leave for work. Food wise, I did pretty well other than a bit of a pasta binge on Saturday that gave me such heart burn and stomach distress that I do not plan to go that route again any time soon.

Pushing through this hectic week and staying on track confirmed my commitment to being my best self. The more I dig deep, the more I build confidence—the more I respect myself.

I also had an epiphany. Exercising is one of those things that needs to be part of my routine. I’m not overly excited about brushing my teeth, but I do it at least two times a day. I wouldn’t skip just because I wasn’t in the mood. Working out is similar. It’s fundamental to maintaining my health so I need to do it regularly and without excuse.

A few positive notes from this week:

  • I’m gaining strength. Sure I’m no Xena Warrior Princess (I’m dating myself with this reference), but I’m feeling stronger and gaining confidence.

  • My posture is improving. Jason noted my posture was making my chest more pronounced. I think I’ve gained at least 1/4” on him and we’re looking eye-to-eye. We both agreed it was a nice improvement.

  • My cravings for refined sugars have decreased. Other than the pasta slip up and a couple handfuls of potato chips, I ate fairly clean this week. Oh, and I did have some Graeter’s, but that was mostly for a work photo op and I traded that scoop of ice cream for my entire lunch caloric allocation. I’m making a conscious effort to think before I eat anything and I’m logging all exercise and food to hold myself accountable.

Overall, this week was about staying the course and digging deep. We’ve all heard the myth that it takes 21 days to create a new habit (in reality it probably takes closer to two months), but I know from my past attempts at getting healthy this is a never-ending battle. But for the first time in my life, the endgame isn’t just to lose weight, the endgame is to be stronger, be healthier and have longevity.

As always, we’re in this together so I’d love to hear how your health and wellness goals are going. Have you recently met any goals? Are you overcoming any challenges? Are there any songs that get you pumped up to work out? Comment below or shoot me an email at mollie@midlifepickle.com.

Lastly, keeping with a weekly theme song, I downloaded Eye of the Tiger to my phone and have been rocking out while on the treadmill. I know this is cliche and silly, but when you’re in midlife, everything is played out and overly familiar. I dare you to not move faster when listening to this song.

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