Interview #3 - Katie Bruening — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Interview #3 - Katie Bruening

Interview #3 - Katie Bruening


Need a laugh? Looking for new recipes for Meatless Monday? Want to meet someone who is unapologetically herself? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This week’s interview is with my friend and fellow blogger, Katie Bruening.

Katie is the brains, and beauty, behind The Trashy Vegetarian, a guide to meatless eating that’s not pretentious. She’s been a vegetarian for 10 years and has a lot of great recipes up her sleeve. We’ve been friends so long, I remember the days when she was famous for her 5 pound chipped beef cheeseball.

A few of Katie’s favorite things are AC/DC, winged eyeliner, bright colors and glitter. When we first met, we immediately bonded on our clumsiness and inability to keep our opinions to ourselves. I’m sure you’ll love her as much as I do.

And now…Katie Bruening’s views on the Midlife Pickle.

  1. QUESTION: Name and age (if you’re brave enough to reveal)

    ANSWER: Katie Bruening and I'm 37. Glad I got this before my birthday next month! 

  2. QUESTION: Do you consider yourself middle aged? If so, do you remember the moment you realized you achieved that status?

    ANSWER: Heck! I am probably well past middle aged! Do I think I'll live to 74? I really don't know! When did I realize this? While filing out this questionnaire. Thanks for drawing this to my attention. :-\ Haha.

  3. QUESTION: What middle age physical ailment causes you the most grief?

    ANSWER: I've never talked about this publicly, but I have fibromyalgia. Basically I feel like the Tin Man trying to move. And I am exhausted most of the time, whilst feeling like I've been run over by a dump truck. Fortunately, it's not the kind of chronic illness that can kill you! But I do feel like it's aged me. I used to be a wild child and now I'm a complete homebody. Not that I am unhappy with this shift! But I lead a very different life than I did 10 years ago. 

  4. QUESTION: What’s your favorite part about getting older?

    ANSWER: Uh, not being dead? 

  5. QUESTION: Name one thing you’ve changed your mind about since you were 25.

    ANSWER: OMG! Definitely going out! I used to love to go out and party and do ANYTHING! I could run all day and party all night and do it again the next day. I'm not opposed to going out now, but it doesn't happen very often. 

  6. QUESTION: Do you have any regrets?

    ANSWER: Nope. Shit happens. 

  7. QUESTION: Do you have any foolproof life advice?

    ANSWER: Never trust a man with a pinky ring. Or a lady with crazy eyebrows. 

  8. QUESTION: What’s your favorite drink?

    ANSWER: Coffee. Specifically iced. 

  9. QUESTION: Do you feel like an adult? If no, do you think you ever will?

    ANSWER: Sometimes. I either tackle things with no fear or I'm looking for an adult to tell me what to do. There's no in between. 

  10. QUESTION: What is your best or funniest memory of our friendship? 

    ANSWER: This is like trying to choose a favorite child! My favorite memory OF you is when you slipped on ice at Chipotle and that man angrily stepped over you, huffing at you because you "inconvenienced" him. My favorite memory WITH you is when we went to that stupid seminar that was a complete waste of time and money. What was that even for? How to better deal with people? And the goof running it was telling us nothing of importance and we could NOT stop laughing for 2 days straight! I bet the guy leading that still thinks of us and wants to punch us in the face. Hahhaa! 

Well, I told you she was funny. So now that you know a little bit more about Katie Bruening you have reason to visit The Trashy Vegetarian for great recipes and laughs for days.

Week Two - Eye of the Tiger

Week Two - Eye of the Tiger

Do you get as many pickle ads as I do?

Do you get as many pickle ads as I do?