This Friday Will Still be Good — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

This Friday Will Still be Good

This Friday Will Still be Good

Every year on Good Friday my mom and I make the pilgrimage to Holy Cross-Immaculata Church in Mt. Adams to pray the steps at midnight. We’ve been doing this for probably 20 years. Aunt Peggy used to join us and others have trickled in and out from time to time. Ollie has gone for 2 years and Harry joined us last year for the first time. But Mom and I have been tried and true step prayers for years now.

Every year, strange things happen on this pilgrimage. I’ve been pulled over and accused of lying about my destination by a Wilder, KY police officer. For some reason he didn’t believe I was speeding to get to church at 11:30pm. I thought everybody knows I speed nearly everywhere I go! I always circle the church like three times because even after all these years I can’t seem to remember the entrance to the parking lot. And last year a coyote chased a deer in front of us as I was driving down US 27. We clipped the coyote, clearly saving the deer’s life.

During this entire quarantine, I’ve not napped. I’m generally wide awake from 7am-1am. My mind can’t seem to calm long enough to get drowsy. But tonight I fell asleep sitting up in my chair. Passed out, dead to the world and at just about the same time I always take a nap every Holy Thursday evening to prepare for my late night praying adventure. I guess I am just a creature of habit.

Easter is my favorite holiday. I’ve talked about it before. I’ve enjoyed many aspects of the holiday (mostly my extraordinary run of Easter egg hunt wins), but struggled with the spiritual side. As of late, I’ve prayed a lot. I’m not very good at it, but I’m practicing. I’m sending prayers and happy thoughts to all of the people working on the front lines, those who are struggling with their health, the millions of people who are struggling financially, my family and friends, my boys…myself.

Even though I’ve always embraced Easter, I think I understand the deeper meaning more than ever before. It’s a time to sacrifice one’s own wants and needs to serve others. It’s a time to be quiet and reflect. If a quarantine isn’t the perfect time to do all of those things, I don’t know what is. As we celebrate Easter, this year we have no excuse to not take the time to look beyond ourselves. While not the norm, this Friday will still be Good.

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