Siblings Day — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Siblings Day

Siblings Day

I’m told today is siblings day. I suspect my brother, Jeremy, made this “holiday” up just to mess with me, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and play along. I’ll start by saying I am blessed to have a brother who is generous, hard-working, and fun who has taken care of me for my entire life.

While I’m confident my brother is in a league of his own, I’m certain the sibling relationship is pretty special for most people. There are a very limited number of people who have occupied the same womb as you—or at least I hope that’s the case. Watching each other develop through all the awkward, and occasionally cute, stages of life creates a bond that cannot be broken. And don’t forget the mischief you get into together…

Who else knows about the time you got busted for breaking a toy and hiding it under the recliner only to be discovered the moment your father kicked back?

How many people remember the time you wrecked your dad’s boss’ golf cart into a telephone pole even though you were repeatedly told it wasn’t fully charged?

Who else would put you in an elevator at your grandmother’s apartment building and push every button so you’d be forced to ride to the lobby, stopping on every floor?

How many people in this world remember the time you made a snack out of the pig slop because you just couldn’t resist that Cookie Jar powdered sugar donut?

Who slipped you bourbon slush when you were far too young to indulge?

Who feels completely within rights to relentlessly tease you, but is willing to beat the shit out of anybody else who considers it?

How many people took you seriously when you had a bowl cut and years later waterfall bangs?

Who else remembers you at your worst yet still loves you anyway? Siblings, that’s who. So if you haven’t already, send your bro/sis a funny meme to tell them how much you love them, do it now. What better time to do that than on Siblings Day during a pandemic?

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