Come On, Get Happy — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Come On, Get Happy

Come On, Get Happy

I’m convinced that happiness is not a proper goal (I’ve explored this theme before). In fact, only pursuing happiness is the surest way to unhappiness. Preoccupation with the pursuit frequently leads to missing the organic moments of relief, comfort and joy that happen every day. As I’m working to live my life with intention, I’ve become more and more aware of those bursts of happiness throughout my day.

I took a hot yoga class this morning—hot is 110 degrees fahrenheit with poses that vary in degree of difficulty. Over the last several months I’ve taken at least 15-18 of these classes at Yoga Studio 43. While I’m stronger and more flexible, these classes are still very challenging, both physically and mentally. Sometimes the heat can be overwhelming and the only way I’ve managed to stay in the studio was by focusing on my breath.

At the midpoint savasana (corpse pose) of each class, we have a chance to regroup. The instructor will open the door just long enough that one wave of air will waft over the entire studio. Lying still on my back, that brief wave of cooler air washing over me is as close to unadulterated joy that I’ve ever felt. That one, maybe two breaths of fresh air promises future relief and comfort, giving me the boost I need to continue.

While the end result of hot yoga is not pretty—I literally soaked my clothes and hair with sweat this morning—I’ve come to crave the detoxing and challenge of these classes. Actually, it’s not the class, it’s how I feel after that I’ve come to crave. The sense of peace, calm and accomplishment that can only come from working hard. This set the tone for my day.

I ended up spending much of this ordinary Friday looking for waves of happiness and here are a few of the highlights:

———>When I got in my car, my phone started playing “C is for Cookie” over my speakers. Occasionally the bluetooth randomly connects to iTunes and for reasons not entirely to do with the fact that I have children I have The Muppet Alphabet Album in its entirety on my phone. I immediately smiled and sang along.

———>As I got home to shower, my dad text me to say he had a nice time at his birthday dinner the night before.

———>At the office, my partner in crime, David Wecker, and I finished up editing the 30th episode of our weekly YouTube series, the BF Chronicles. This week’s episode had us both in stitches to the point where I had tears in my eyes and my cheeks hurt. If you’re so inclined, feel free to check it out, but be warned that we fully recognize the silliness and do it mostly for our own entertainment.

———>After work Jason and I headed to my parents’ farm to fix some fence. Ollie’s been begging to drive the tractor for some time. This evening, Jason took him into an open field and gave him his first lesson. I’m told most mothers hate to see their kids grow up, but I am overjoyed watching my boys grow up.

20 Likes, 0 Comments - Mollie Bentley (@molliebentley) on Instagram: "And just like that, his legs reach the pedals. #tractor #ollieb #growingup"

———>Driving home from the farm with the windows down and our boys in the back seat, I had a moment of pure contentment.

———>As I’m writing this, our dog Buster is cuddled up next to me having a doggie dream. He’s whimpering and barking under his breath. It doesn’t get better than a dreaming dog.

Today’s activities were not about pursuing happy, but the happiness was there without my even trying. The reason those moments are so precious is precisely because they are fleeting. The best we can do is embrace it, be grateful for the experience and know the bad stuff helps us appreciate the good stuff.

I challenge you to pause the next time you catch yourself laughing or smiling or singing a snappy tune. Take a moment to let the feeling wash over you and give you the boost you need to keep moving forward.

Come on, get happy!

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