Why the Recorder? — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Why the Recorder?

Why the Recorder?

I love my son. I love music. I love that my son is learning music. I loathe the recorder.

Learning to play an instrument hones many skills—memorization, discipline, patience, perseverance, and the more concrete fractions. All of these are beyond valuable to a developing mind, body and spirit.

But the recorder? Holy Hell! Why does it have to have the same pitch as dying kittens?

I definitely learned the recorder in 5th grade and I specifically remember being a recorder playing minstrel for the 1988ish Reiley Middle School Medieval Festival. I’m pretty sure Allison Williams talked me into that hot mess and we played a lot of Hot Cross Buns and Mary Had a Little Lamb. I can’t believe I put my family through those extra hours practice as I prepared for that event. Sorry Mom, Dad, and Jeremy.

All this thinking about the recorder inspired me to do a little research. I found this fun little video about why American school children learn to play the recorder:

Most of us don't have fond memories of playing the recorder. Admit it, you never picked it up after your last elementary school music class session. Well, he...

And how about a Vivaldi Recorder Concerto?

► Maurice Steger, Recorder || Amazon (http://bit.ly/2gtWo6I) / iTunes (http://apple.co/2ggzd2p) ► Cappella Gabetta || Amazon (http://bit.ly/2gGa4wd) / iTunes...

Who knew? That a recorder performance could actually be enjoyable.

While I’m pretty sure Ollie is not going to be the next professional recorder player, I think I have a new-found respect for the instrument. And beyond the recorder, I have a deeper respect for the music teachers who taught me over the years. They clearly had far more patience than I do. To Mrs. Cabrera, Mr. Fisk, Mr. Whitford. and Mr. Williams, I’m sorry.

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