All tagged Positive

Even in a Pandemic, the Good Outweighs the Bad

Since I started Midlife Pickle, I’ve thought about the concept of balance a lot. Balancing work and family, wants and needs, spending and saving, remembering the old but embracing the new. Something that I’ve started to realize is every situation has a mix of good and bad. Sure, the scales are not always equal, but I’ve yet to think of a situation, no matter how dire, that didn’t result in something positive.

What Good?

What good will come of this you ask? Lots, that’s what. Part of being a half-glass-full kind of girl is I see the positive in everything. Sometimes the upside is obvious and other times we have to dig a little deeper. Even when I consider some of the worst things that I’ve been through, I always managed to grow or learn from the experience, even if it took several years for that to be revealed.