Week One - Fear is a Liar — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Week One - Fear is a Liar

Week One - Fear is a Liar

It’s been a week since I revealed my biggest shame to the world. My motivation for writing that blog was to share my flaws in order to spark personal change and hopefully connect with others facing similar challenges. As my mouse hovered over the ‘Publish’ button, I had a pit in my stomach. I was fearful of how it would be received, fearful that once I acknowledged my shortcomings I’d have no choice but to address them and worst of all fearful that nobody would care. With tears in my eyes I took a deep breath and mustered the courage to click.

Over the last 7 days I’ve been overwhelmed with the response. Friends, family, acquaintances and strangers alike have shared similar struggles, offered words of encouragement and complimented my bravery. Readers have commented on social media, text messaged, private messaged, emailed and even called. I’m humbled by all the caring people I have in my close and extended network and I pray that I can live up to the challenge I’ve set forth for myself.

I’ve spent the last week starting down the path towards better health. I’ve gone to the gym 5 out of the last 7 days, I’m tracking my eating and drinking and I’m journaling to better understand what triggers good and bad behaviors. I’ve also enlisted the help of some friends who can offer guidance and support.

My observations thus far:

  • My heartburn has all but disappeared. I’m sure the makers of TUMS are not pleased, but I’m confident I’ll be able to move the Smoothies bottle from my bedside back to the medicine cabinet where it belongs.

  • My energy level is way up. Three days last week I had to be up at 4:45 to be at the gym by 5:00 because of scheduling issues. Even still, I had more pep and stamina throughout the day than when I slept until 6:30 and didn’t work out.

  • My head is clearer. I’ve been able to clearly focus on my writing and other projects. I’m also more attentive with my boys and less prone to rely on distractions such as Facebook.

  • Working out is hard. My body isn’t used to this yet, so I’m having some muscle aches and soreness that I’m hoping will subside as I get more accustomed to moving.

Overall, I’m pleased with the direction I’m going. I’ve not stepped on the scale yet. In the past when I’ve not lost 43 lbs in one week I’ve gotten discouraged. This is all about trying new things, so this time I’m focusing on how I feel to motivate me to form better habits. I can get to the scale stuff later. I know this journey is just starting, but I’m building confidence and gaining the tools to make life-long changes instead of just short-term fixes.

Even more important than my habit changes, I’ve been reminded that all good things are on the other side of fear. Facing my fear of being vulnerable and honest has already brought me many gifts—words of encouragement, help and guidance and reminders that I’m not alone. I encourage you to face a fear. You may be surprised at the results.

For those of you on a similar health improvement path, I want to hear how you’re doing. Have you made any positive adjustments to your routine? Have you celebrated any successes? What are you struggling with? Feel free to leave a comment here or email me at mollie@midlifepickle.com. We can do this together!

One last note, my CRHP friends introduced me to this song, Fear is a Liar by Zach Williams. The video is a little on the nose, but the song is worth a listen or 10. I hope you enjoy it as much as I am.

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