All tagged fear

More Than Fear

Being in the midst of a pandemic is scary. Very scary. I’ve also experienced a lot of other emotions and I bet I’m not alone. We’re all entitled to our feelings, right? Most people aren’t stupid enough to say it aloud, but I am. So here goes nothing…

Slow Now

Working full-time and trying to be involved in school and church while also paying attention to my family and friends is exhausting. There are never enough hours in the day. I’m perpetually fatigued. I’m constantly forgetting things. I’m frazzled. I’ve not completed my To-Do List in so long the item that keeps rolling over from one day to the next is “take wedding dress to dry cleaner.” OK, maybe that’s an exaggeration—mostly because we had such a good time on the farm my dress wasn’t salvageable anyway—but I keep putting off things I want to do for things I have to do.