Top Five Reasons We All Know October is Best — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.



October is here!

By all accounts, yes ALL, October is the undisputed best month out of the year. Why, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you, but first I’m going to share my goals for this month.

Blogtober - I’m committing to posting a blog per day throughout the entire month. This exercise should help me explore new topics and play with format and medium. Look for audio, video and who knows what else.

Yogathon - I’m committing to 20 yoga classes this month. Watch out Studio 43, you’re gonna be seeing a lot of me.

Reading Roundup - I’m going to read 4 books in October. Over the last few years digital media has inched into my reading time and I want to get back to my roots. I hit up the Campbell County Public Library and I’m committing to an hour of reading every evening.

And before you even ask, I will not be participating in Sober October. I’m going on vacation for fall break and it’s my birthday. I prefer to set myself up for success so I don’t want to make a commitment I can’t keep. I might consider no bourbon November, but let’s see how this month plays out.

So why so many goals in October? There’s nothing like a birthday to rev up a midlife pickle. Besides, nobody cares about a 43rd birthday. It’s about as non-descript and boring a year possible, so I figured I’d spice it up myself.

Without further ado…

I’m sure you already know all the reasons October is the best, but here are some of my favorites.


Fall Clothes

Who doesn’t love hoodies, oversized sweaters and bulky scarves? And don’t get me started on the boots and loafers. I’m not a big fashion person, but damn, I love suede footwear.


Corn mazes, pumpkin patches, fall festivals, football, bonfires, marching band competitions, renaissance fairs, apple picking. There are so many weekend activities to choose from I’m never able to squeeze everything into my calendar.


Who doesn’t love some creepy crawlies and candy? Communist, that’s who!

It’s also fun to dress up and slip into an alter ego. Of course I’ve been a cowgirl about 38 of the last 43 Halloweens so I’m not all that imaginative. Or more accurately, I like comfort and carrying a lasso.



Fresh apples, the return of hearty soups and comfort food. I’ll reluctantly include pumpkin spice because most people dig it, but you won’t see me with a PSL.

Birthdays Galore

My first born, my dad, a plethora of cousins, countless friends and I already revealed, yours truly. I can truthfully say I’ve never met a person born in October that I didn’t like. We’re a fun group, but you already knew that. And in case you’re wondering, I share a birthday with Dwight D. Eisenhower and Roger Moore—both super cool dudes.

So there you have it. There is no disputing the superiority of the month of my birth. I challenge you to find a goal to work on for the next four weeks. I couldn’t possibly think of a better way to celebrate my inching one year closer to death.

Cheers to October!



