Interview #2 - Eric Shank — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Interview #2 - Eric Shank

Interview #2 - Eric Shank

In this week’s interview we’re learning a little about my friend, Eric Shank. As former coworkers and friends for going on 15 years, Eric and I have had many adventures, including trips to Miami, Chicago and Italy.

We share a love of grammar, attending the symphony and opera and appreciate quality restaurants. Being my most frugal friend, Eric is always able to sniff out a great deal on a great meal.

When Eric was turning 26, I somehow convinced many of our coworkers he was turning 36. Now that he’s inching up on 40, it seemed appropriate to get his thoughts on the Midlife Pickle.

  1. QUESTION: Name and age (if you’re brave enough to reveal)

    ANSWER: Eric Shank - 39

  2. QUESTION: Do you consider yourself middle aged? If so, do you remember the moment you realized you achieved that status?

    ANSWER: Not yet, but rapidly approaching

  3. QUESTION: What middle age physical ailment causes you the most grief?

    ANSWER: The morning routine of “what’s going to hurt today?”

  4. QUESTION: What’s your favorite part about getting older?

    ANSWER: An overall sense of confidence.  I’m not sure if that stems from a diminished interest in how I’m perceived or from increases in maturity and experience, but probably both.  But as I’ve gotten older I’m more aware of my own worth and I feel more comfortable in my own skin.

  5. QUESTION: Name one thing you’ve changed your mind about since you were 25.

    ANSWER: Thai food.  I had a string of bad experiences in college with Thai, that had me convinced I didn’t like it as a whole.  Fortunately, some exploration in my 30s helped me find some incredible Thai food.

  6. QUESTION: Do you have any regrets?

    ANSWER: I wish I had traveled, especially internationally and for an extended period, when I had more of an opportunity to do so. In particular, I wish I had lived for a time in a Spanish speaking country to gain fluency.

  7. QUESTION: Do you have any foolproof life advice?

    ANSWER: Know, and insist upon, the value of your own time.  Find a job/career you enjoy doing and do it to the fullest…but when it’s time to go home – GO HOME.  Don’t kill yourself for a place that would post a job listing the day after your funeral.  Determine what your work/life balance needs to be and hold to it.   

  8. QUESTION: What’s your favorite drink?

    ANSWER: Non-Alcoholic: Iced Tea – Alcoholic: A non-hoppy beer or a Kettle One & Soda

  9. QUESTION: Do you feel like an adult? If no, do you think you ever will?

    ANSWER: I do now. 2019 started with an almost simultaneous mobility restricting surgery of one parent then mobility restricting accident of the other parent, necessitating me to go home and be a caregiver to my parents for the first time.  That definitely removed any remaining feelings of not fully being an adult for me.

  10. QUESTION: What is your best or funniest memory of our friendship? 

    ANSWER: Best always involves the intersection of food and travel – Miami and Italy in particular. Funniest revolves around a suitcase in Rome and the comedy of errors surrounding its acquisition and return.  

There you have it, Eric’s thoughts on “rapidly approaching”  middle age. While his advice on work-life balance is great, my main take away—we need to plan a trip to Thailand. Here’s to you, Eric Shank!

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