All in Parenting

Babies are Assholes

The hectic lifestyle, exorbitant expenses and unrealistic expectations make being a modern parent exhausting. I won’t even mention how babies are huge assholes—oh wait, maybe I just did. But come on, they’re demanding tyrants with deplorable communication skills.

Happiness is Not the Goal

This is something I frequently hear parents say—'“my only hope is that my children are happy.” I never know how to respond to this statement because I wouldn’t dare wish this on my boys. I don’t know much, but I do know that spending your life looking for happiness is the surest way to be unhappy.

Don't Beet Around the Bush

Last week was the kickoff of my new eating and exercise habits, so I was struggling to find an appropriate lunch. As Ollie and I were prepping for our excursion, he rolled his tween eyeballs as I settled on a lunch that would make any 74 year old man proud—a packet of tuna, 2 hard boiled eggs and beets.

Duds Day Debacle

Among the hundreds of emails I get every day, I’m generally pretty good at keeping track of school announcements. I guess I missed one, because as we ran up the steps into school, I saw my sons were the only kids in their uniforms.