All tagged sleepy

I Don't Suffer from Insomnia

Working from home is kicking my ass. With starting a new job and dealing with a pandemic, I have more work to do than is imaginable. The problem with working from home, and having no plans beyond the family X-Box RBI tournament, I end up working longer hours that if I were in the office. There’s something about a commute, even a small commute, that bookends a work day. Without the commute, work seeps into all areas.

Sleepy Weepy

This week has been rough. Not only did work kick my ass, but I had several projects hanging over my head that I struggled to find the time to complete because I was working 12+ hour days. Top it off with my Lenten commitment to daily blogging and it’s been a recipe for exhaustion.

Screw You, Monday

I vowed to blog daily for the 40 days of Lent, but I’m honestly too sleepy to string together more than a few coherent sentences. Work was long and hard, the boys had baseball practice, Ollie needed help practicing his recorder, and Jason had to go on a plumbing emergency service call. This Monday kicked my ass.