Interview #4 - Molly Woods — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Interview #4 - Molly Woods

Interview #4 - Molly Woods

This week’s interview is with my bestest bestie, Molly Woods. Our paths first crossed in 1995 during our short-lived careers in the McAlpin’s shoe department. Within the first three minutes of meeting, the great “Y” verses “IE” debate began. I’d love to hear how you think Mollie/Molly should be spelled, so feel free to comment below.


So what’s so cool about Molly? Not sure where to start. She’s loyal, funny, smart, strong and a complete badass who has run more marathons than I can count while fundraising for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society in the process. She’s raised so much money over the last 12 years, an armored truck follows her around while she’s training.

This year Molly committed to a half marathon a month which she is half way through, after completing the Seattle Rock ‘n Roll Marathon just yesterday. Her dedication to running and training others is beyond my comprehension. She somehow manages to juggle being Associate Athletic Director at NKU, devoted mother to Tyler, caring sister and daughter and supportive friend with dedication to a great cause and her athletic endeavors. I’ve been in awe of her strength and stamina for decades.

Molly is a few years older than me—I used to use her ID to get into bars before I was 21—so we’ve always joked that she would get old first. I specifically remember a conversation we had in the store room of the McAlpin’s shoe department during a Midnight Madness sale. We may or may not have been tipsy. “I don’t want to get old, so if I look bad and can’t get around, promise me you’ll kill me at 50,” Molly demanded. I obliged because 50 seemed like a lifetime away, and I guess it kinda was.

The good news is I don’t have to break that promise because Molly looks amazing and gets around better than most 25 year olds I know. So, here’s to my best friend, Molly. I’m sure you’ll enjoy her thoughts on the Midlife Pickle.

  1. QUESTION: Name and age (if you’re brave enough to reveal)

    ANSWER: Molly Woods- 45 (Almost 46, in about a month)

  2. QUESTION: Do you consider yourself middle aged? If so, do you remember the moment you realized you achieved that status?

    ANSWER: I am definitely middle age, probably realized that when I turned 40.  When I realized I could be my athletes mother and my son turned 10!!!  Holy moly- I felt old!!

  3. QUESTION: What do you like about getting older?

    ANSWER: I’m ok with getting older but I don’t want to be old and inactive.  I hope to be an active elderly person, if I am then I’m ok with getting older.

  4. QUESTION: How far away do you have to hold a book in order to be able to read the text?

    ANSWER: Without my glasses arm length most of the time.  In the morning even glasses don’t help somedays.  Eyes have been getting progressively worse over the last 10 years!!! 

  5. QUESTION: What are your thoughts on Millennials?

    ANSWER: I don’t really have a good or bad opinion of them.  They have in general been pampered and protected by their parents. 

  6. QUESTION: What do you want to learn?

    ANSWER: Wow- that’s a big question- I want to learn how to be a better me and not be worried about what other people think of me. 

  7. QUESTION: Name one thing you’ve changed your mind about since you were 25.

    ANSWER: That 40 is old!!! 

  8. QUESTION: What is one thing you know for sure?

    ANSWER: Good and bad things happen but they are only moments in time and will change and aren’t permanent. 

  9. QUESTION: Do you have any foolproof life advice?

    ANSWER: Hard work is needed for all things in life and no one is going to hand anything to you, so work hard and eventually it will pay off. 

  10. QUESTION: What is one thing you want to do this month? Year? Decade?

    ANSWER: Month- the month of June, drink 64 ounces of water daily; Year- finish my goal of one half marathon a month for 2019; decade- work to be financially more stable. 

  11.  QUESTION: What’s your favorite drink?

    ANSWER: Non-alcoholic- Diet Pepsi (one drink one a week) Alcoholic- beer

  12. QUESTION: Do you feel like an adult? If no, do you think you ever will?

    ANSWER: Definitely don’t feel like an adult, and sometimes can’t believe I’m responsible for another human.  Not sure when I‘ll really feel like an adult or if I ever want to!! 

  13. QUESTION: What is your funniest memory of our friendship? 

    ANSWER: Our friendship has so many fun moments, but probably what sealed our friendship was drinking beer on our break during Moonlight Madness Sale.  That’s when I knew we were going to be lifelong friends!! 

There you have it, that’s my girl, Molly. If you know her, you’ll love her as much as I do. Next time you don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning to exercise, think of her running twelve 1/2 marathons this year and drag your butt to the gym.

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