Funway Learning — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Funway Learning

Funway Learning

Today started off so rough that I overslept 3 hours and missed a phone conference. Yep, that was how I started off the day that was supposed to be Reds Opening Day.

And then the weather was perfect. Blue skies and sunshine and 65 degrees. The perfect weather for a baseball game.

I muddled through the day. We’re struggling with balancing my work, the boys school, and well, just being together non-stop.

Then I made the mistake of checking out Facebook and Instagram where all the other moms are doing amazing projects with their kids and spending every effort assisting with their learning. I’m huddled in a corner in my basement taking calls and cursing my slow internet speeds. I made the decision years ago to be the mom I am, not the mom others appear to be, but days like this bring out those feelings of inadequacy.

But hey, we snapped a pic in our Reds gear for Fauxpening Day that I quickly posted on Twitter. Apparently, we made the local news. Did your four course lunch centered around social studies make the 6 o’clock news? How about your Renoir inspired art project? Didn’t think so. I guess we should have just called it a media experiment and BOOM A+!

And we ended the day with our own Opening Day celebration at Funway Park that included some social distancing with my parents. It’s so weird staying outside my parents’ house and it’s almost impossible for the boys to not just plop down and make themselves comfortable. This was made harder by the rain shower that popped up the moment we arrived at the farm. We had to wait out this delay on the porch instead of Grandma’s kitchen.

After the rain delay we eventually hit the field. It’s getting harder and harder to field for these little leaguers, but as I tried to rob a homer, I was stopped in my tracks with a rainbow.

I’ll be damned if that rainbow didn’t make me choke up. Even though I’m almost certain we’re just starting down a very scary path, that rainbow reminded me that there are always brighter days ahead. Yes, I realize that is totally cliche and I don’t even care. Cliches are cliches for a reason—they’re eternal.

Speaking of eternal things, boys and baseball. We spent almost two hours playing baseball and just enjoying being outside. This was just the break I needed and so did my boys—probably more than they needed lame ass craft projects.

#OpeningDayatHome #RedCountry

#OpeningDayatHome #RedCountry

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