Is Failure an Option? — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Is Failure an Option?

Is Failure an Option?

After 15 years of focusing my career on HR and Recruiting, I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone and I’m honing my storytelling skills.  Time to try something new (to me).

I’ve enlisted the help of a seasoned, even grizzled veteran.  Still, it’s unnerving to expose my inexperience and be vulnerable. Every day, I ask myself so many questions. Do I look foolish? Have I made the right decision? Who/what am I striving to be/do? What do I want my life to look like? Did I make a mistake walking away from a stable job? Is this best for my family?

And the scariest question of all:

What if I fail?

I assume midlife is a time to try new stuff, to experiment, to stretch beyond where you thought you could reach. This is what I’m doing; working on my writing skills.  I’ve embarked on a business venture helping organizations tell their stories and I’m dreaming of becoming a professional speaker.

These are lofty, even intimidating goals.  But if I don’t strive for them now, when will I?

There have been a few unexpected benefits to this new venture. With a more flexible schedule, I’m able to squeeze in a workout every morning before heading to the office. With very little commute, I have time to eat a healthy breakfast and cook dinner nearly every evening. Getting my boys to baseball practice or a doctor’s appointment doesn’t require assistance from both sets of grandparents and an act of congress, with me speeding from one side of town to the other.

There have also been hardships. I went from having a substantial income to sporadic paydays from random projects. And while the work has been rewarding, learning to negotiate rates and collect payments are skills I’ve not perfected.  I’m blessed to have the support of a spouse who has a stable income and carries our medical benefits, but my entire family has had to make sacrifices to accommodate my dream-chasing.

These days, I look forward on the weekends to Mondays. Piecing together the puzzle of my new life is stimulating.  Flexing my creative muscle is energizing. I’m regularly experiencing butterflies in my stomach when making phone calls, half hoping the person doesn’t answer, and half thrilled to speak to him/her about how I can help them discover and tell their stories. The exhilaration of even small victories brings joy. It’s also been rumored that I’m slightly less short tempered and a lot more patient.

What’s my point? Hell, I don’t know. Let me think.

OK, I guess I’m challenging you to try something new, to push yourself a bit. I’m not suggesting you should up and switch your entire career trajectory, but a fresh perspective may be just what you need to find that pep in your step. Also, I’m looking for partners in crime. People I can connect with and count on to build a support system as we muddle our way through.

If you've considered learning a new skill, I'd love to hear about it.

If you want to chat about switching gears and taking a chance on yourself, let's grab coffee. I could use an emotional support buddy.

If you or your company need help with storytelling, in print or on video, let me know. I'd love to work with you to discover what sets you apart from everyone else.

I hope you’ll subscribe and take this journey with me. We have so much to see, do and learn. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? You could end up witnessing my epic failure and learning from my mistakes. After all, failure is always an option.

Or is it?

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