Commuter's Paradise — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Commuter's Paradise

Commuter's Paradise

I’m mentally drained. I’ve been working long hours, haven’t left my home in days, weeks…I’m not even sure because at this point everything is running together. I’m still getting up every day at 6:30, taking a shower and facing the day with enthusiasm. But with a commute that consists of cruising down the basement steps, I barely have time to settle into my morning podcast before arriving at my desk.

I used to spend hours every week driving—at minimum 15 actually. I’d be in Columbus one day and Louisville the next. And I enjoyed that part of my job. I love driving, loved the opportunity to roll the windows down and sing at the top of my lungs. The solitude of being in a car energizes me. This is the thing I miss the most these day. Even in traffic, I had a moment to myself. A moment to think and just be. Going from bed to shower to desk in the span of 40 minutes doesn’t afford that head space.

Yes, I miss commuting, but that’s enough whining. I know I’m beyond blessed. I’m still working, my kids are healthy and we’re going to get through this because Andy Beshear says so.

On an unrelated note—I’ve done virtual happy hours with 50+ coworkers and family chats with 10+ and seeing the shit-show that is, this video is remarkable. Enjoy these Berklee students singing What the World Needs Now.

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