Midlife Pickle Announcement — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Midlife Pickle Announcement

Midlife Pickle Announcement

I’m overwhelmed by the response to Midlife Pickle. Over the last eight weeks, readership has grown to over 500 subscribers and I’m inching up on 10,000 site visitors. I can’t thank you enough for following my adventures and reading my musings. I’m humbled by the response and look forward to where we’re headed.

One thing I didn’t expect when starting this blog was that I’d be giving opportunities to engage outside of this platform—I was wrong. One event I’m thrilled to be a part of is coming up this Thursday. Covington based Aviatra Accelerators asked me to moderate a panel of authors for their June GROW Workshop, “I Could Be a Writer!”

If you’ve ever thought of writing a book or are looking for ways to enhance your professional image, this could be just the workshop for you. I’ll be guiding expert panelists (and authors), Scott Hill, Lisa Woodruff, & Caren Laverty through a discussion about why and how they wrote and published their books and why it was important for their business.

I’d be thrilled to see some familiar faces in the crowd or meet any readers in person. Also, did I mention there will be cocktails at 5pm?

If you’re interested, you can find more details below or feel free to email me with any questions at mollie@midlifepickle.com.

Happiness is Not the Goal

Happiness is Not the Goal

Week Four - Hit Me with Your Best Shot

Week Four - Hit Me with Your Best Shot