Hey, All You Cool Cats and Kittens — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Hey, All You Cool Cats and Kittens

Hey, All You Cool Cats and Kittens

Things are getting real here in Northern Kentucky. Multiple cases, one death, a person I know is hospitalized with the virus and more than a couple of my friends are now on the front lines as healthcare workers. Two weeks into the social distancing and it seems like we’ll be doubling down for at least two more. Luckily, there are plenty of distractions to get my mind off the pending doom.

  1. Tiger King - I know everybody is talking about this but HOLY SHIT this is Netflix series is a side show. Everything about this documentary seems fictional, but it’s apparently a true story. I’ve not finished watching it, but I can’t imagine I won’t.

  2. Zoom Marathon - I did two Zoom trivia/game parties with about 25 different people today. Sure, my eyeballs are bugging out, but it was great to connect with so many different people. Being the extrovert that I am, I miss interacting with many people. These Zoom session have provided a substitute for in-person chats.

  3. 80 Degree Weather - The beautiful weather gave me the chance to start cleaning up outside. And chatted with my neighbors, or more like yelled across Pleasant Ridge Road to each other. Gotta keep that social distance.

I’m looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow. Time to relax and brace myself for what’s to come. I hope you all are doing the same. Please stay safe, stay healthy and STAY HOME.

Sunday Dread

Sunday Dread

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I Could Probably Use an Eraser