What's Your Spirit Animal? — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

What's Your Spirit Animal?

What's Your Spirit Animal?

Not sure how it came up the first time (it may have stemmed for a really lame article I read about unconventional interview questions), but my boys and I frequently discuss the concept of spirit animals. Whatever its roots, our love of animals and Ollie’s savant-like knowledge of mammals have kept the conversation going for the last few years.

Several times we’ve taken online quizzes matching our characteristics to one of a handful of appealing results. I suspect they’re all appealing because it’s more likely to compel the quiz taker to post his/her results on Facebook. Hell, we all know people who are more like leeches than lions.

Nonetheless, we frequently discuss this concept both from a realistic and an aspirational point-of-view. Harry jumps around bobcat and zebra and bear but always lands on kangaroo. This is logical because he bounces everywhere he goes, is full of energy and not afraid to throw a punch. Ollie insists he’s an elk. Strong, steady, quietly confident—I can see it.

Me? I’m pretty sure I’m a golden retriever. Blonde, loyal, energetic, willing to chase down and retrieve the same ball over and over. Oh, and no matter how you treat me, I keep coming back for more, wagging my tail with a goofy grin and expecting that you’ll eventually love me whether you want to or not.

I’d like to pretend I’m a lioness (strong leader), a cheetah (fast), a horse (graceful beauty) or a shark (total badass) but in all reality, I’m that dopey golden retriever. No orca, giraffe or wolf for me—I’m an ordinary canine.

So tonight, as I was fighting writer’s block with a cruise through Facebook, I couldn’t resist when I came across a What’s Your Spirit Animal link. Wading through the pop-ups and static ads, I answered questions about my work style, favorite way to eat, what my house looks like and social habits to come to the conclusion that I’m a…drumroll please...dog.

Well, I suppose there are far worse animals to be. Dogs are our best friends with giving spirits and warm demeanors. Dogs live and love unabashedly. They are genuine and true, never hiding their sincere feelings or intentions. The enjoy work, but play harder and never miss an opportunity to show someone kindness and affection. Life is better with dogs.

Yep, I’m a golden retriever, and I’m proud of it. Leave the badassery and striking beauty to the sharks, tigers and rhinos, I’ll take irresistible doofus any day. Try to not love me, I dare you.

Practice Makes Perfect?

Practice Makes Perfect?