Still a Little Shellfish — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Still a Little Shellfish

Still a Little Shellfish

Fall break means a week in Ft. Lauderdale with Aunt Theresa and Uncle Kenny. It also means Two for Twosday lobsters at Kelly’s Landing where the special is two 1 lb lobsters for $25. So last night we made our annual pilgrimage to the Boston of Ft. Lauderdale and indulged in lobster, baked beans, corn on the cob, cole slaw, baked potatoes and bread pudding. If your mouth isn’t watering just thinking about this meal, what’s wrong with you?

So now that I have you craving lobster, you may be surprised to hear that the food isn’t even a fraction of why I love this yearly tradition.


The real reason I love Kelly’s Landing so much is I know when my boys look back on these trips to Ft. Lauderdale they will have fond memories and it warms my heart. They’ll remember all of the servers happily greeting Uncle Kenny because he’s that memorable guy everybody knows and loves. They’ll remember Mimi concocting her perfect iced tea blend with Splenda and lemons. They’ll remember Poppy being a gentleman holding the door and helping Mimi with her chair. They’ll remember Jason and I slipping them a sip of our beers. And every time they eat lobster, they’ll think of Aunt Theresa teaching them the best shelling technique.

My boys are beyond blessed to have all four of their grandparents, a luxury I certainly was not afforded. To add to their great fortune, they also have the bonus of Uncle Kenny and Aunt Theresa who are, for all intents and purposes, a third set of grandparents. Man, did these boys hit the jackpot, or what?

I say, did the boys hit the jackpot, but in all reality I include myself in that statement too. I first met Aunt Theresa and Uncle Kenny, and their sons Kenny Jr and AJ, in 1992. I was 15 and Jason and I had just started dating. They came into town from their home in Athens, OH and I joined them for family dinner. My life hasn’t been the same since and thank God for that.

From that first meeting, and the 27 years since, I’ve learned so much from both of them. Aunt Theresa has taught me to be calm, cool and to not feel unnecessary guilt. Uncle Kenny has given me career and business advice and has been an unwavering cheerleader of my professional endeavors. Watching Aunt Theresa with her sons gave me a take on mothering that has influenced how I interact with my boys. Seeing Uncle Kenny freely approach complete strangers gave me the courage to do the same and has become one of the greatest pleasures in my life. And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the generosity they’ve shown Jason and me for years. As you can see, these two are pretty special people who I’m honored to call family.

So here I am, sitting on Kenny and Theresa’s condo balcony while everyone else is sleeping. I’m looking at the full moon reflecting on the ocean, listening to the waves rolling in and out and I can’t help but tear up. I started this piece with the intention of saying why I’m thrilled my boys have these two generous, kind and fun people in their lives, but I’m choked up thinking how lucky I am to called them my aunt and uncle for nearly 30 years.

Oh and in case you’re wondering, I didn’t share a bite of either one of my lobsters. Even with Uncle Kenny and Aunt Theresa’s positive influence, I’m still a little shellfish.

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