11 Reasons My Son Makes Me a Better Person — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

11 Ways Ollie Makes Me Better

11 Ways Ollie Makes Me Better

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Today is my Ollie’s birthday. This got me to thinking about how much my life has changed since he burst onto the scene 11 years ago. Well, more accurately he strolled onto the scene after hours and hours of agony, but who remembers or cares about labor room details. Anyway, please enjoy this list of 11 reasons why Ollie makes me better.

  1. He made me a mother. The single most important contribution to my getting my head out of my ass was becoming a mother. Prior to parenthood, I was selfish and neurotic. I’m still both of those things, but I manage to keep those in check at least 75% of the time.

  2. He reminds me that being sensitive is not a bad thing. Much like I was at his age, and still now when I’m tapped into my true self, Ollie feels things deeply. This is a superpower and a curse that I hope I’ll be able to help him navigate from a place of experience.

  3. His love of sports has taught me the importance of athletic endeavors. For years I dismissed the benefits of sports teams but I’m thankful to have corrected that misconception.

  4. His badassery when facing his peanut and tree nut allergies reminds me to take control of my own health. The way he confidently asks about ingredients and responsibly carries his epipen wherever he goes, inspires me to be my own health advocate.

  5. He knows how to make the most of his time and reminds me that we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Ollie is always the first Bentley up and at ‘em on a Saturday morning, usually because he wants to maximize his free time. Gotta love a kid who sets his alarm for 6:00am to make sure he gets a few moments to play xbox.

  6. His love of animals keeps me in awe of nature. Want to know the intricate details of damn near any North American mammal’s diet? Ollie’s your dude. We frequently watch nature videos and love the outrageous pics on Nature is Metal. The ongoing, humbling reminder of the circle of life helps keep my ego in check.

  7. His love of downtime reminds me to slow down. Frequently, when given the chance to go out or stay home, Ollie will chose the later. He loves a good Netflix and chill session which is beneficial for someone like me who is prone to over scheduling and wearing myself down.

  8. He loves nature which helps me remember to appreciate the beauty around me. He’ll frequently point out a full moon or clouds that are particularly fluffy. Added bonus, he’s always up for a sunrise walk on the beach with me every morning we spend in Ft. Lauderdale.

  9. His unapologetic enthusiasm about his interests shows me the pure joy derived from exploring what you love. His nearly obsessive love of sports, animals and tractors has inspired me to reignite several of my interests.

  10. He’s not afraid to show physical affection, frequently reminding me how a hug can make the day a little brighter. Being sensitive to others’ needs, he’s been known to grab my hand when he could see I was stressed or to snuggle up on the couch just because.

  11. He always tries to do the right thing. He strives to not get in trouble at school, he tries hard with studies and he does his best to be coachable in all of his sports. Most importantly, he is kind to everyone. And this is a behavior I aim to emulate daily.

Sure, everyone thinks their kids are special. My guy sure is special to me, in part because being his mother helps me be a better person. Happy 11th, Ollie!

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