Glass Half-Full of Blessings — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Glass Half-Full of Blessings

Glass Half-Full of Blessings

Under normal circumstances today would have been a welcome change of pace. With two active boys our weekends tend to be pretty busy and I’m always craving a day to kick back, relax, and unplug. Yet today had more of a melancholy vibe.

While I’d like to say that the afternoon weather gave me that gloomy vibe, I know it’s the sense that we’re living in the calm before the storm. Uncertainty coupled with a side of fear makes a dreadful cocktail of emotions. But I’m making a conscious effort to embrace this time with my boys and be thankful that our new family room furniture was delivered yesterday.

As I’m heading off to bed, I’m first going to be grateful for all of my blessings, not the least being my adequate supply of food, soap, and toilet paper. And above the material blessings, I’m thankful for this time to reflect, reevaluate, and regroup. As a glass half-full kind of gal, I’m confident this recalibration is the blessing hiding in this disaster.

I hope that you’re following guidelines and limiting time out in public. And I especially hope you’re find the time to consider your blessings and figure out the lesson you’re supposed to learn from this experience.

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