Back to the Hustle — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Back to the Hustle

Back to the Hustle

A lot of people I know spend much of their Sunday dreading Monday. Seems like such a waste. If you’re really that unhappy about your Monday-Friday circumstances, you’d be best served embracing every ounce of weekend. I’d suggest spending your Sunday evening doing something you love, just to take your mind off the pending doom of Monday morning. I suppose the best advice would be to find a new gig so Monday isn’t so daunting, but most people can’t just ditch their jobs. And in all reality it is a rare person who finds joy and fulfillment in his or her job—work is usually just work.

I’ve always enjoyed Mondays. Even when I worked at a job I wasn’t crazy about, Monday seemed like a new beginning—another opportunity to build bridges, solve problems and get it right. Sure, this was usually delusional and by Wednesday afternoon I was beaten down and dragging ass, but I started out the week with promise and optimism.

Another reason I look forward to Monday is the structure provided by the weekly grind. It helps me keep it between the lines. I need the responsibility of taking my boys to school to get my ass out of bed. I need the commitment of yoga classes, basketball practice and client meetings to keep me focused and on task. I need the daily routine to keep my sleep, exercise and eating habits somewhat regulated. Without that structure, I slip into bad habits that are not constructive for my physical or mental health.

Tomorrow, I go back to the grind after a week off for fall break. I have a big project launching this week and one ongoing project that needs a lot of attention since I took some time off. I’m going to need focus and structure to stay on task so I can meet deadlines and produce work I’m proud of. Top that off with hopping back into healthier eating habits after a week of lobster, booze and bread and getting back into the swing of working out and I have a lot on my plate for this week.

Rest and relaxation is supposed to be a good thing, but it seems to throw me off my game. Once I start to lax my routine, it’s quite a slippery slope. It usually takes me a couple weeks to come back from a vacation, but this time I don’t have that option. I’m thinking it may be a good thing to jump back in with both feet—testing the water with one toe is for wimps.

Either way, I’m looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of this week. It’s time to get down to business and accomplish some goals. Here’s to a productive week!

Handle with Kiddie Gloves

Handle with Kiddie Gloves

Lazy Day Daze

Lazy Day Daze