43 Things I know — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

43 Things I know

43 Things I know

When I turned 40 I created a list of 40 things I knew for certain. I’ve added one to the list every year. So in honor of the most generic birthday one can celebrate, I present to you 43 Things I Know.

  1. I'm never going to be younger than in this very moment.

  2. The more I give, the more I get back.

  3. If I don't take care of myself, nobody else will do it for me, nor can they.

  4. Family loves you, but close friends are just as important.

  5. Babies are assholes.

  6. Having an opposable tail would be awesome.

  7. Blondes have more fun.

  8. When you need a friend it's too late to make one.

  9. Even shitty pizza tastes better than most food.

  10. Marriage is hard.

  11. Cars are a terrible investment.

  12. Work harder than you think you can.

  13. Play harder than you think you should.

  14. No single person can fulfill all of your interpersonal needs.

  15. Be open to opportunity.

  16. Give thanks daily.

  17. Being happy is a choice.

  18. Material things are overrated.

  19. Education is essential, but doesn't have to come from a formal setting.

  20. Exercise sucks, but not being able to exercise sucks more.

  21. Eat whatever you want in moderation.

  22. What other people think of you is none of your business.

  23. Dogs are great friends, but even greater commitments.

  24. Bourbon is only from Kentucky.

  25. I'm wrong as much, or more, than I am right.

  26. Crushes come and go, that's not love. 

  27. Looking up at the stars gives us perspective.

  28. Having debt is debilitating. 

  29. Just when you get comfortable, things will change.

  30. Travel even when you don't think you can afford it.

  31. Boys love fart jokes.

  32. Speak your mind, but do it humbly.

  33. Manners go a long way.

  34. Communication is hard, but essential.

  35. People come into our lives to teach us lessons. 

  36. Drink lots of water.

  37. Younger men love older women.

  38. If you wait for people to recognize your abilities, you'll be waiting a while.

  39. Always work to improve, but love yourself as you are.

  40. Sometimes having a great experience comes at a great cost. Never regret the great experience.

  41. People don't search for things they already have.

  42. Nobody gets through life without at least one person hating them.

  43. You’ll never regret being kind.

So there’s my list. I hope you enjoy and feel free to share you golden nuggets of truth in the comments. Cheers to 43!

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