Sunday Plans — Midlife Pickle

Based in Northern Kentucky, Midlife Pickle is a blog by Mollie Bentley exploring the shock that she is smack dab in the middle of life.

Sunday Plans

Sunday Plans

I had huge plans for this afternoon. I wanted to finish a video for Harry’s basketball team, finish a blog post that’s been percolating for months, get caught up on laundry, grocery shop, and get a head start on a work project with a tight deadline. The best-laid plans…

I don’t frequently get headaches, but this afternoon I was struck by a doozie. I ended up putting the hood up on my sweatshirt and lying on the couch with my eyes closed for several hours. So here I am, contemplating the week feeling behind before I’m even getting started. I supposed I’ll get everything accomplished, and on time, but that loss of 4 hours put me at an immediate deficit. And not only for the week, but for the month of March.

During the time I wasn’t working a 9-5, a few hours of missed productivity on a Sunday afternoon would have been inconsequential. That’s not my current reality. And getting used to this reality has been challenging, to say the least. I suppose I’ll get accustomed again eventually.

Here’s where I’m reaching out. How do you plan your week? Do you have tricks that help you get back on track once you’ve fallen behind?

Screw You, Monday

Screw You, Monday

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5 Lessons in 5 Weeks