My Brother's Cooler Than Your Brother
Today is my brother’s birthday. If you don’t know Jeremy, I’m sorry. He’s one of those people everybody loves. I’m sure many of you think your siblings are wonderful. You’re probably right, at least about some of them, but I insist that my brother is the coolest. Here are just a few reasons why:
Sibling love with a Joe photo bomb.
When we were young Jeremy was always kind to me. And when I think back, I’m not really sure why. I was an obnoxious little sister practicing the piano at 8am on Saturday just to annoy him, pestering him as he tried to talk on the phone, and bragging that I didn’t have homework when he had tons. Mind you, he’s 6 years older than me so Algebra I is definitely harder than 3rd grade multiplication.
When I was a teenager Jeremy taught me how to be cool. Or more accurately, he tried to teach me how to be cool. He’d buy me booze and let me hang out with his friends, but kept me in check and didn’t let me find real trouble.
When I was in my twenties and struggling to hold my life together, Jeremy gave me a job which eventually led down the path to HR. When I was crumbling apart, he gave me just enough responsibility to help me get back on my feet.
When I had a week old baby who cried uncontrollably, Jeremy was the only person who caught the fact that I didn’t know I had to burp Ollie UNTIL he burped. Of course an unburped baby would be fussy!
Uncle Jeremy is beloved by Ollie and Harry. The boys wanted expensive shoes for Christmas, which I certainly wasn’t going to buy, but he had no qualms about spoiling his nephews. But what they really love is how he listens to them when they talk and takes a true interest in their lives.
So that’s the short list, but in actuality, it’s way, way longer. And now you have at least a tiny inclining as to why he’s the coolest. I wish you the happiest of birthdays, Jeremy! After 43 years of putting up with my sorry ass, you deserve it!
PS - If you know my bro, leave a comment on why you think he’s awesome.